
Posts Tagged ‘Family’


What a whirlwind life has been since we moved from Texas to Alabama. It seems like life never slows down, theres always something to keep us distracted and busy. I use to love writing on my journal blog, but got away from it. But, I really want to get back to writing on spiritual things, family things, and simply just spontaneous topics that jump into this crazy head of mine.

Tonight I write because the speaker we heard from tonight at church really rekindled a fire in me, and my husband. For any of you that know us, we have always had a heart for family ministry. When we came to peace with moving to Alabama, and not taking a church position in a church, that was a hard pill to swallow for my husband and I. We always saw ourselves working in the church. For the past so many months we knew God had something different, but just had to live on faith and wait. We are still waiting, and it seems since we have been married, we have been in a waiting period the whole time. I may have my Masters in Marriage and Family Counseling, and it seem crazy to some people that I am not using it in a paid position, but training up my children in my home every day is a much bigger calling to me and my husband. As I was reminded tonight–“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might. These commands that I give you today are to be upon your heart. You shall teach them diligently (“impress”) to your children, you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise.” Deut 6:4-7 That is some pretty serious commands. Being home with my child every day gives me the opportunity to have teachable moments with her, discipline her, talk of our Creator God. (Abigail loves talking about all the things God has created) I know God has called me to be home with her and future children.

Here is my kicker–yes, I will confess for accountability and to let others know they are not alone. We as moms get rung dry, and when we finally have free time, we want to veg, but really still need to clean up and get ready for the next day. Are these things I complain about, no. But, what I am getting at is the fact when do we find time for our quiet time? Well, I have come to realize the only way I am going to get my day off to right start is if I set my alarm before my early riser child. Yes, it will still be dark out, and I can count on being attacked spiritually more each day due to sacrificing sleep and spending time in the Word, prayer, and silence..but lets just hope the silence does not turn into me falling back to sleep. 😉 Tomorrow is a new day, and I am tired of being controlled by the world time schedule that takes me away so swiftly throughout the day. I am thinking about getting out an old study bible, and am way excited! We will see where God will lead me. But, all I know is, I have a big responsibility of raising my children to love God with all their heart, soul, and mind….and the only way that will happen, is if I am setting that example. Pray with me, and join me mommy’s and daddy’s.

Curious–what are you readying in Scripture right now?

In Christ,


Enjoy two of my most recent fav pics with my full of life daughter! We went on a family hike, and of course had to stop for pics. She brightens up my life and I thank God for her everyday!

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I feel led to write, but no direction…just a lot of questions that I want to ask myself and maybe spur you to ask yourself.

What is it you live for everyday? I find myself thriving off receiving affirmation from others; and I think that is why I love posting my photography work. I LOVE getting affirmed that I did a good job. Yes, affirmation is a huge love language of mine. If I have not heard from a friend in awhile, I begin distancing myself, asking questions like–did I do something to offend them, are they dealing with some sort of sin that is making them be hidden from me?I love to feel connected in some sort of way, and well, friends I have to be honest facebook and twitter has deceived us into believing we are “connected” with so many people all over the world, but honestly we are so far away emotionally, it’s sad.

My very wise father called me this morning just to chat and give me some wisdom and love. You know, he is so right about how so many people live each day with this motto or status–“I am so busy” Well, who makes you busy? We do. Or maybe really the things that make us busy really are not even worth our time. We all like to feel important, but I believe why we end up feeling all alone by the end of the day is because we find our fulfillment in the wrong places. Whether it be through silly comments on facebook or a romantic novel that has sucked you in. (can’t relate with the novel thing, but I know so many people get caught up in them)

I want to pass along a quote to you that speaks so loud to me, and maybe it will you too.


I hope you did not read that, and say….”that’s it?” Let me explain or break it down for you. My husband and I have been in Fort Worth, TX for 3 1/2 years. The past year in a half once abigail was born, everything changed. I was not “here” anymore. I began feeling pulled in many directions. I felt guilty that my child was not able to be with any of her relatives. My focus took a new toll, thinking on how to get back to MO even if it was not what God wanted. Justin and I would sit on the couch probably once a month and discuss the possibilities but always turned out our discussion went in a circle and never got anywhere. I have to be honest, right now, we still are unsure of the future, but here is the kicker….

It does not matter that we do not know our future, God tells us…”therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34. Do not skim over this verse because you think you already know it. We need to live in the NOW. We need to be ALL HERE, wherever that might be. I hope I can speak for all women and say, we as women get so caught up in wanting more…..another baby, bigger home, financial security, peace and quiet….and then one day, life has passed you by and you want to turn around and do things differently. So, I will ask you again…what are you living each day for? I’m getting involved with women at church, studying Gods word. I am searching out ministries I can get involved in outside of my church. I ‘m reading books on how to raise my child in a way that pleases God. Please do not take that as me being arrogant, I am just wanting to inspire other women to get out there and to change from their typical lifestyle of wanting to feel connected, but it only goes as far as facebook. Call a friend today. Be aware of your behaviors in front of your children; what do you want them to learn from you? I am really asking myself that. I have a new rule….computer turned off while she is awake not unless there are important matters to take care of for my business. I ask for you to keep me accountable in that. It will make for later nights, due to keeping up with emails, but my FAMILY COMES FIRST.

I surely hope this all came together. Please let me know how I can pray for you, encourage you, and be a friend to you.



ps….still love to hear comments. 🙂

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